adb抓不到手機? - Android for Taiwan 2014年2月7日 - daemon started successfully * List of devices attached. FA36LPN01810 offline 為什麼呢? 然後打入adb reboot 就變這樣. C:\Documents and ...
[Guide] Fix adb - device is offline error | Android | XDA Forum It said: "error: device offline" when trying to access it. Now, the computers .... daemon started successfully * List of devices attached plug in the ...
Android ADB reports device is “offline” | hedgehogjim 2013年3月25日 - Device upgrades are so often a good-news-bad-news situation ... and so was the case of ... List of devices attached 99999C99999D999 offline.
How to fix 'ADB Device is listed as offline'? | WugFresh 2013年2月27日 - Your device should no longer be listed as 'offline'. ... Use the toolkits 'Advanced Utilities' > Quick Tools > List Devices (ADB mode)' to test for ...
Android device chooser - My device seems offline - Stack ... 2011年4月7日 - I've never figured out whether the problem is in adb or the device but I .... I got: List of devices attached SH08SPL06500 offline – Ahmet Gulden ...
Android ADB device offline, can't issue commands - Stack ... returns the device name, but it says it's offline. Things I've tried. ..... In the end, I simply copied the ZIP file to the external SD card, by attaching the SD card directly to the PC. Then I moved ... with my phone. Even though its showing up in the li
android - Adb device offline on Ubuntu Natty - Stack Overflow 2012年5月3日 - adb devices List of devices attached 46411960A012FCCE device ... my devices, but then when it is fully booted, it apears to be offline anyway.
android - Why does adb return offline after the device string ... 2011年11月17日 - Then attach your device to a host, then your device should show a pop-up; you only need ... adb devices now lists both device id and no offline.
"adb devices" is showing the device as offline.what is reason? 2012年7月18日 - List of devices attached ... XXXXXXXXid offline ... Many people said that ur device is offline because adbd deamon is not running on android ...
Android Device Offline: Fixing ADB Connection Error 2013年5月14日 - Running 'adb devices' in the terminal showed error: device offline message. Recently Android switched to MTP (Media Transfer Protocol).